
Friday, August 12, 2022

My Learning Inquiry 2022


Class Site Link

Effective teaching strategies that enable students voice to be heard and acknowledged.

Date: 01.08.22


What is your inquiry question?

How will integrating Beebots [emulator on iPads] into my Mathematics programme improve students’ motivation, directional skills, sequencing and critical thinking as well as numeral identification, sequencing and subitising.

What is happening in your class at the moment for this group of students?

Students have difficulty explaining their thinking /strategies? They are unable to quickly give before and after numbers and identify numbers and dot patterns.

What strategies have you used? What do you see as your next steps in your inquiry? 

Simon Says game to practice directional language.

Practice with Emulator on iPad. 

Next Steps:

Use arrow cards 

Waiata-a-ringa for directionality

Beebots in groups

Students explain their learning

How have you/ will you involve whanau during your inquiry process?

Student leaning will be shared on the class Blog [photos and student voice].

Reminders to visit the class Blog posted on the school Facebook page and added to Term newsletters.