
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 2

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Dorothy shone some more light on the Manaiakalani kaupapa. I was interested and pleased to hear that Manaiakalani do not dictate what LEARN looks like. Each school is unique and has it's own character, vision, values and learning process etc. I asked myself what LEARN currently looks like in my classroom/at our school and what it will look like as digital technology is blended more effectively into teaching and learning. I know it has to be excellent pedagogy that steers the ship, providing opportunity for all students to have the digital technology skills they will require to move forward and be successful in the 21st Century. I must be up to the play having and imparting the knowledge, skills and strategies to my students which will enable them to improve in their learning, be creative, inquiring and able communicators on the world-wide web. Dorothy's example of giving a car to a child was the perfect analogy for a digital learning environment. Give a child a device without the teaching and learning support and it will be of little benefit and a waste of time. In fact it could be disastrous. In a nutshell - LEARN is effective pedagogy in a digital environment.

What did I learn that will increase my confidence, capability or work flow as a professional?

The day's learning was all about being organised through using Google Applications and extensions effectively.
  1. To use Onetab to organize tabs.
  2. Organize my Gmail Inbox into folders; priority emails; colour code; add labels
  3. Organize Bookmarks into Folders
  4. Use Google Hangouts and invite others to a Hangout using Calendar [love this!]
  5. We attempted a hangout session in groups, recording this on Quicktime player. My group's recording was not a success, however we did have fun in the process and know that it can be done.

What did I learn that I could use with my learners?

The learning today was more about my organisation rather than for my New Entrants. I now have 1-1 ipads that have been set up Manaikalani style with 'Explain Everything' and am waiting to learn how to use this effectively and apply some of what I am learning.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability and workflow in my personal life?

All of the learning today I can apply to my personal life. I think good organisation helps with time management which is a priority for me. I was already using Google Calendar and now applying Hangouts is a bonus.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robyn, it is interesting to read here about what has resonated with you so far. I love the button you created in Draw and the way you have personalise this blog and made it very much about you and your context.
    I do want to let you know that we are sending Khismira, one of our new entrant iPad experts up in a couple of weeks to work with you all specifically on how to use Explain Everything effectively- se we will get there!
