
Friday, June 4, 2021

 My Learning Inquiry 2021

My inquiry question

Will increased time spent developing computational thinking skills and specific vocabulary lead to a better understanding of number knowledge and strategies for my learners?

Our school-wide Professional Development this year is the 'Digital Technology Curriculum' with a focus on mathematics. Donna Golightly from 'Using Technology Better' will support teachers to use the DTC and technology better to improve student learning in maths. I have taken this opportunity to improve my knowledge of developing computational thinking in the classroom and use this as a basis in my inquiry.

Digital Technology Curriculum

What is happening in your class at the moment for this group of students? Students do not have a clear understanding of the relationship between counting and 1 less/1more. They confuse ‘before/after’ and often take a guess at a number rather than use a strategy. JAM assessment results show that students are not transferring forwards/backwards counting knowledge to 10, to bigger double digit numbers.

What strategies have you used? What do you see as your next steps in your inquiry?

We use daily calendar maths, class number knowledge warm-up sessions, games and numeracy group sessions to discuss our knowledge and understanding. Independent activities are completed in workbooks and using Math Seeds on the iPads.  

Next steps:

  • use EE - students take photos and record an explanation [practise using appropriate vocabulary to talk about their maths]. Recordings shared in maths groups.

  • Introduce/practise using algorithms in an everyday context to develop computational thinking.

How have you/ will you involve whanau during your inquiry process?

  • Share learning on our class blog

  • New vocab added to our take home vocab lists - students have to explain to their whanau what the words mean and/or use the words in a sentence.

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