
Monday, November 29, 2021

Final Inquiry Reflections

JAM assessment data T3 AND T4 [First score end T2 or T3; Second score T4]

 The data collected with nine of the students who were at school for both testing periods reflects improvement for both forwards and backwards sequencing [before and after numbers/1 more and 1 less].

Forwards Sequencing

Backwards Sequencing

  1. S2 - S4

  2. S2 - S3

  3. S3 - S4

  4. S2 - S3

  5. S3 - S4

  6. S4 - S4

  7. S2 - S3

  8. S2 - S3

  9. S4 - S5

  1. S2 - S3

  2. S1 - S2

  3. S3 - S4

  4. S1 - S3

  5. S1 - S2

  6. S1 - S2

  7. S0 - S1

  8. S1 - S3

  9. S3 - S5

What worked well?

Focusing on the explicit teaching of directional language has given the students

more confidence with all mathematical tasks. Development of vocabulary will

be ongoing learning for all students.


Time to complete what was planned - online learning was not conducive to implementing further hands on, group computational thinking activities with my

5 year olds.

Final Reflections

Focusing on explicit directional vocabulary is helping the students to see the importance of the meanings of words. Some students have worked out their own strategies for remembering before/after and forwards and backwards. 

The Computational Thinking - Theme ‘Fairy Tales’

Unplugged resources from Donna Golightly [DTC] is a fabulous resource which we will continue to explore in 2022.

All students were hooked into the many traditional fairy tales we explored. It was an ideal platform to develop vocabulary all round.

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